Java9 and Above

AndHow works for applications built and/or running on Java 9 and up, but there are considerations.

The good news: AndHow works on JDK 8 - 16

If you don't use modules (i.e. don't include a file in your jars), AndHow works just fine. And this seems to be what most projects and libraries have done: simply ignore the module system.

The bad news: It doesn't work with Java9 modules

If you really need Java 9 modules, it will be some time and work before AndHow can support them. If module support is important to you, please comment on this ticket. If you are a module expert, please consider offering to help with that ticket.

But... Why modules?

Applications, especially those that runs as lambdas, micro-services or within containers, live in a very walled garden. The extra level of ceremony that Jigsaw modules provides (essentially protecting your code from itself and the dependencies you choose to use) doesn't add meaningful security in most cases.

Last updated